#1 Approach to Beautiful Lip Injections Toronto| Lip Filler Costs

by | Oct 2, 2021

TEOSYAL Lip Injections Toronto & Lip Fillers Toronto

Our culture is inundated with all kinds of cosmetic lip injections in Toronto. Thanks to the Kardashians and other celebrities, these lip injection procedures in Toronto have become somewhat, dare I say- normal?

Luscious, desirable, enhanced, sexy, full, pouty… these are the words our clients use when describing the lips they want to achieve through safe, affordable and effective lip injections. With little downtime, minimal pain, and immediate results, who wouldn’t want fuller, and more luscious lips?  We all deserve to look and feel good. When done tastefully, lip injections can look natural, and enhance your beauty!

1. Why Get Lip Injections Toronto?

Natural lip enhancements procedures are simple, however, they can also be one of the easiest treatments to have performed incorrectly if you do not seek a trained and qualified nurse. Successful lip enhancement requires an unapparelled eye for detail, education, experience, and an artistic touch.

2. The Anatomy of Lips

As we age, the lips undergo dramatic changes relative to the rest of our face.  For example, the cupid’s bow or area between the two peaks of the upper lip can flatten with age and the philtrum columns, located in the middle at the upper lip and extend to the base of the nose, can loose definition.  Both the upper and lower lip become thin with age.

Symmetry also plays a key role in properly enhanced lips.  The ratio of bottom lip to top lip is where many inexperienced injectors go wrong.  If too much filler is placed into the upper lip while the lower lip is left untouched, then the perfect ratio is altered.  Too much volume and the patients will get the infamous duck lips. Our client’s lip enhancements look natural, are perfectly shaped, and full.

3. What to Expect During Lip Injection Consultation in Toronto

During your consultation, our nurse injection specialists will review these aspects of lips and more.  Our aesthetic nurse practitioner will assess lip contour, which refers to the general shape and outline of the lips as well as lip volume.  Lip contour has to do with how full your upper and lower lips may be.

Your nurse practitioner’s choice of lip filler is also very important. At Let Them Notice Toronto teosyal and juvederm fillers for shaping lips and erasing lines around the mouth area. These are semi-permanent hyaluronic acid lip fillers. We spend time evaluating your needs, reviewing post care, and prepare a treatment plan  during your complimentary patient consultation. Our goal during consultation is to review and answer all of your questions in order to provide you with natural and tasteful results!

4. Cost of Lip Injections Toronto

In Toronto, cost for lip injections can vary anywhere from $500- $750 per syringe.  In most clinics the cost will include consultation, treatment, and follow up.

5. Pre & Post Care of Lip Injections Toronto

1-2 days before the procedure be sure to drink plenty of water, and avoid blood thinning agents such as alcohol.  It is also important to eat something prior to your procedure.  Swelling and minimal discomfort is expected so be sure to have ice packs available for comfort. You will want to schedule the procedure 1-2 weeks before a major event in order to your lips to settle nicely.

Women and men choose physical enhancements such as dying hair to look younger, getting braces to straighten crooked teeth and are considered normal, so why not get lip injections. Break the barriers and give us a call!

6. Affordable Teosyal Lip Injections Toronto & Lip Fillers Toronto

We offer Teosyal and Juvederm lip fillers at best prices in Toronto.  Let Them Notice is trusted by clients.  Book a free consultation.To schedule a consultation with our nurse practitioner, please call 416-904-9953, and we’ll get in touch with you shortly.  We look forward to meeting you.

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